Mozilla-Based Application Logos version 4

I’ve updated the Featured Mozilla-Based Applications page with several more entries and now have enough new logos to update the image I occasionally post about.

This image shows logos for applications that currently make use of at least one Mozilla technology, question marks to show that there are likely applications out there we don’t know anything about and logos for projects that are no longer active or no longer use Mozilla code.

If you know of anything missing from this list or from the more complete list, let me know.

17 thoughts on “Mozilla-Based Application Logos version 4

    1. The Flock homepage still has Powered by Mozilla on it, so I’m not quite sure what’s up. I guess the new beta is Chromium based but the current stable release is Mozilla-based?

    1. I’ll switch Flock out for the next version I do since the Chromium version is a beta now and the current official release is still Mozilla based.

      1. As far as I know Chromium is still using that code and it would mean they could be included along with other Mozilla-based applications. I’ve left it off the list though to avoid confusion since it seemed many people would assume that it was a Gecko reference instead of a reference to other Mozilla technologies. Same with and some other applications.

    1. Thanks for the Songbird icon news — I guess I missed that 🙂 I’ll go update it now.

      When you have news about your XUL application, let me know.

  1. There’s also my humble small XULRunner applications, targeting mainly Maemo for now. Perhaps they could be in more complete list 🙂 .

    – Mozcards: port and adaptation of the extension Cards (by Stephen Clavering)

    – JoliStopwatch: a simple stopwatch

    – JoliTimer: a count down timer, with preset support

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