More Than 50 Applications Built Using Mozilla

Whenever I see an announcement about a new application that uses Mozilla in some way, I try to remember to update the Map of the Mozpad Universe page. I added a few more links today and realized that there are now over 50 applications on the list. That seemed like an impressive number, so I wanted to post about that.

For many of those applications I had to rely just on blog posts since I couldn’t find any information on the projects’ sites that said anything about Mozilla or XULRunner. A community run evangelism effort aimed at getting these sites to include the Powered by Mozilla logo might be just the thing here (just in case a certain Mozilla application focused community effort happens to be looking for direction).

6 thoughts on “More Than 50 Applications Built Using Mozilla

  1. Hi! I looked through the list and saw that Vuze is mentioned. I think that if Vuze embeds mozilla, it is mostly as a courtesy of SWT, if at all (the java widget toolkit that is used in the Eclipse platform, which supports XULRunner since v 3.3). I looked through the sourcecode, and while the distribution includes a xulrunner dll on windows, the browser widgets don’t specifically request the mozilla browser, so while SWT supports it, Vuze doesn’t seem to use Mozilla.

    On the other hand, the SWT browser widget is from the Eclipse platform is missing from the mozpad list 😉 Some more info about Mozilla and SWT can be found in the SWT FAQ at

  2. Hello,

    does someone know if its ok to bundle a commercial application with xulrunner? And sell it in a store/online? Does the application have to display a XULRunner EULA?

    Thank you in advance


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