Lots going on with community building, part 3

I haven’t had a chance to blog much lately, but there is a lot to share about what’s been going on with community building projects.

We’ve handled a large spike in interest from people wanting to participate in the project after the Get Involved page was featured in promotions about Mozilla’s 15th anniversary.


To handle this increase in interest, we’re encouraging teams to try new things and are seeing encouraging results—for instance, Mozilla Hispano has been rethinking how they connect with new volunteers.

We’ve also been looking at tools to help deal with larger numbers of potential contributors. A Systems and Data Working Group has been formed to identify community building functionality priorities and evaluate systems to meet those needs.


Once people start participating, we are looking into the best ways to recognize them. Dia from the People team has worked with a university to let a student get credit for their contributions and she’s turned this into a template other teams are excited about using.


I’ve also really enjoyed helping with a project to collect stories of Mozilla’s history. Once we have a compelling history, I think there’s a lot of potential to recognize contributors by showing how their contributions directly helped Mozilla reach new achievements.


I hope to share more often about other community building efforts going on, but my recent blogging history isn’t very encouraging. To keep up with the latest community building news, join us for the regular Grow Mozilla calls.

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